The usefulness of hosting or regarding a Pattern

The usefulness of hosting or regarding a Pattern Our lives run at a frantic speed. As we are pinned under the weight of our careers and personal obligations, we continuously fight fatigue and stress until we eventually exhaust ourselves. The cycle then restarts, and we wonder what else we can do other than keep going? It may sound cynical; however, there is truth to the idea that everybody is doing their best constantly. For those of us who work in digital marketing, the notion that we are pulled in a variety of directions shouldn't come as a surprise. Brands (and our clients and their brands) are trying to get this attention. There's a reason why stress-relief programs and self-help books recommend organizing fun activities many of us would otherwise be unable to remember. While talking about harsh realities, we must not forget humanity's remarkable ability to adapt. Our culture has progressed to the point that Artificial Intelligence and even life on Mars are possible. ...